4 Tips For Preventing The Seasonal Flu From Being Your New Employee

Every year flu season can be a nightmare for environments where there are numerous people occupying a single space. To minimize illness and the spread of illness in your office, it is imperative to provide employees with proper education and the tools necessary to minimize disease transmission. Encourage Flu Shots Depending on the health insurance provided by your company, you might decide to hold a vaccine clinic. When employees can receive flu vaccines that are completely covered by their insurance and it is done on-site, they are more likely to have much-needed preventative treatment. Read More 

What’s In A Name? A Lot, If You’re A Janitor Or A Custodian

People frequently use "janitor" and "custodian" interchangeably. However, most people fail to realize that these two words, and the careers associated with them, are more different than they know. If you need to hire one or the other, it helps to know the differences so that you draw the right people to the interviewing table. Custodians Custodians, by the very definition of the root word, "custody." assume guardianship and care of a person, place, or thing. Read More 

Cleaning Services That Can Make Your Life More Relaxing

When you are going about your daily life and taking care of your family, your social activities, and your work responsibilities, relaxation may seem like a foreign concept to you. You are not alone in these struggles and there are ways that you can make your life more relaxing. Relaxation can help to improve your mood, make you more effective in your work and home life, and can improve your general health and well-being. Read More 

Curious About Improving Your Work Space For A New Project? 3 Reasons To Prioritize Carpet Cleaning

 Managing an office requires you to put in quite a bit of effort to ensure that everybody is able to work productively. One of the most important ways for you to boost productivity in your office is to keep the space clean. If you're interested in a successful beginning of a new project at work, it's a good idea to look into how getting professional carpet cleaning can make an improvement. Read More 

Insight To Help You Remedy Mold Growth In Your Home’s Walls After Flooding

Home flooding has recently become a large problem in several areas of the country with excessive rain and other extreme weather conditions. After your home has become flooded and the flood waters have receded, it is time to get busy to clean up your home of water damage and prevent as much mold growth as possible. Here are some tips to help you remedy mold and clean up some of the most commonly-affected areas of mold growth within your home's walls after flooding occurs. Read More