When Should You Test Your Home For Lead?
Lead poisoning is a health issue that can be avoided by maintaining a safe living environment. Exposure to lead can be particularly damaging for young children, pregnant women, and the elderly.
While lead isn't as prevalent in modern homes as it is in older homes, it's important for all homeowners to identify when a lead test should be conducted.
1. Test for Lead Before Buying an Older Home
You want to know if a home you are thinking of purchasing will provide your family with a safe and comfortable place to live. One way to put your mind at ease regarding the safety of an older home is to complete a lead test before finalizing your purchase.
Homes that were built prior to 1978 may have been constructed using lead-based paint. The federal government passed legislation banning the use of lead-based paint in 1978, so homes built after this date should be safe.
The results of a lead test can help you determine if you want to move forward with the purchase of an older home.
2. Test for Lead If You Have Bare Soil in Your Yard
Do you have areas within your yard that are bare soil? If so, you may benefit from a lead test.
The soil surrounding a home can become contaminated via exposure to a variety of lead sources. Chipped or peeling exterior paints that contain lead might find their way into the soil. Leaded gasoline leaks or industrial processes can also contaminate the soil.
Children who play in bare soil could ingest lead inadvertently. A lead test will help you rest assured that your yard is a safe environment for your children.
3. Test for Lead If You Plan to Remodel Your Home
If you are planning to remodel your home or engage in any type of major renovation project, you will want to secure a lead test before work begins.
Lead particles can become mixed in with dust particles when a lead-based product is scraped, sanded, or heated.
Your renovation project will likely cause any lead inside your home to mingle with dust particles and settle on the surfaces within your living space. Touching these surfaces and then placing your fingers near your mouth before washing them can result in lead poisoning.
A lead test will let you know if you need to take additional precautions to control or eliminate lead during your home renovation. For more info, contact a lead testing service near you.